“Is that like Acupuncture?”- The Explanation of Functional Dry Needling
As the technique of Functional Dry Needling gets mentioned as a beneficial treatment, the first question from a patient/client is often “Is that like acupuncture?”
Functional dry needling (FDN) is a technique that utilizes thin, solid filament needles to treat myofascial trigger points, muscle spasms, or dysfunctional tissue. Both acupuncture and FDN use the same type of needles but this is the extent of their similarities. Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture needle insertion points are founded on knowledge of meridians and used to balance energy, life force, or qi in the body. FDN utilizes needles directly into muscles or vertebral segments to restore function. One of the most common uses of FDN is to treat trigger points. Trigger points are hyperirritable spots or taut bands within a muscle. These can cause pain, referred pain, or dysfunction to how we move.
FDN is a great additive tool within physical therapy that can help with a wide variety of issues. Whether you have pain, decreased range of motion of a joint, increased tension, poor activation of a muscle, over activation of a muscle, headaches, or dysfunction within a muscle or specific myotome, FDN could help!
FDN has a multitude of physiological effects. These include increasing blood flow, decreasing banding (restoring sarcomere length and restoring normal length tension relationship within a muscle), biochemical and central nervous system changes. Biochemical changes include decreasing nociceptive sensitizing agents, increases capillarity of tissue, and increases – endorphin levels of treated muscles. Basically meaning these biochemical changes makes the area treated have greater healing response and recovery of the tissue.
FDN is an amazing tool in a physical therapist’s toolbox to help progress you towards your personal goals!
Schedule with us today and your certified therapist will determine if you are a candidate and review all pertinent information of the technique prior to utilization.