Golf Injuries

Golf Injuries

Brad Lunsford, MPT

When springtime approaches, a large population begins to dust off their golf clubs in anticipation of getting out to the course. A common issue that is overlooked is the deconditioning that can occur over the winter months.  his can, of course, lead to injury even in a “low-impact” sport such as golf.

Some of the more common golf injuries include low back strain, elbow tendinitis, wrist sprain / tendinitis, neck strain, and knee pain.  Proper warm up routine along with an appropriate off-season stretching / strengthening program could go a long way towards prevention of these and other potential injuries.  

If you have developed a golf-related injury, you might not want to let it follow you all season long. Physical therapy has certainly been shown to be highly successful with treating soft tissue injuries (eg sprains, strains, tendinopathies, “pulled muscles,” and disc-related injuries). Call us at Empower Physical Therapy to get back to swinging pain free on the course!

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